Who owns the data you store online? Is it you or the company storing it? Consider how many times there’s been widespread controversy over the changing terms of service for companies like Facebook and Instagram – which are definitely cloud
Why You Should Be Using Multiple Monitors
Multiple Monitors Increase Productivity In today’s busy world, increased productivity is a must! If you see yourself constantly switching from one application to another during the course of the day, you are a good candidate for a multiple monitor setup.
What is “The Cloud”?
What is Cloud Computing? Instead of installing a suite of software for each computer, you only have to load one application. That application would allow workers to log into a Web-based service which hosts all the programs the user would
What is a Computer Network and Why Do I Need One?
Why do I need a computer network ? By installing a computer network you will be providing your business with lots of important tools for its success in both the short and long term. Benefits of a computer network include:
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